The trend is clear in the U.S. Hispanic community. In the 90's, it was growing very fast. Today, stagnation. Young and newly married are not that excited about following in their parents footsteps. They just seem to pretend to take advantage of the social interaction. Also they are not interested in having children. They want to enjoy the world of Satan: money and every pleasure it brings, big and small. So no children, no baptisms, no zeal, means no growth and even contraction. The older generations are getting tired and the new ones never quite got the interest. The young Hispanic, especially those born and raised in the U.S. are quite similar in values to the young Americans. Immigration, legal or illegal has gone down in recent decades. The impetus of the 90's and even early millennium is wearing out rather fast. The future does not look good for the WT, even in that once reliable and loyal sector of the immigrant Hispanic.